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Rowing from Home to Home: Episode VII
Stuck in Greenland
The Thrasher Shark Research Conservatory
Madagascar By Sea
National Oceanography Center
Sigrid Ekran : The Dog Life of a World Champion
Recumbent Stone Circles in North East Scotland
SS Birchgrove Park 2010
The Push - A South Pole Adventure
Cave diving cenote Muuch
DESTRUCTIVE HAIL! Video from April 3, 2008 storm chase
Video of destructive hail to the size of baseballs near the town of Henriet...
Titan Saturn System Mission
A proposed mission to Titan would use a balloon, a lander and an orbiter to...
Real World: NASA and a Dinosaur Named Dakota
In this NASA video segment learn how space technology is used to help paleo...
John E. McCosker: Sharks
Dr. John E. McCosker, chair of the Department of Aquatic Biology at the Cal...
3D Dark Matter Map based on COSMOS data.
This is the first time astronomers have created a three—dimensional ...
Night-time hunt for animals - Expedition Borneo - BBC wildlife
The Expedition Borneo team beat out a trail at night in their search for Bo...
Aound the world in a Cessna 208. Flight Simulator X
Total Distance: 18,192nm Total Flight Time: 108.1 hrs (12 hrs/day) ...
GII Winter Expedition | Dispatch # 5 | The long way down
Expedition Quest Mobile App
Our Mobile App enables EQ members to search for other local members by combining the ExpeSearch Index System with GPS geo-location. Want to meet or get advice from someone who has climbed, or is hoping to climb Kilimanjaro? Want to organize a local group of kayakers with Class 3 experience to go down the Snake River? Perform a search within a 20 mile radius, check out their qualifications and experiences and send them a message. Get together, share a cup of coffee or a couple of beers and make it happen.
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