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News Headlines
250-Year-Old Eyewitness Accounts of Icier Arctic Attest to Loss of Sea Ice
Scientists have theorized that the loss of Arctic sea ice over the last three decades is part of a recent, dramatic change in global climate. Now they have proof from an unorthodox collection of sources. Scientific American
Climate Change Could Alter Range of Caribou and May Impact Hunters' Access
Due to climate change, some communities in rural Alaska and the Yukon Territory of Canada may face a future with fewer caribou according to new research published by the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Alaska, Fairban USGS Newsroom
Coast Guard: Wreckage of teen pilot's plane found
The U.S. Coast Guard has found wreckage from an airplane piloted by a teenager who was killed when he crashed during an around-the-world flight, a Coast Guard spokesman said Thursday. The Seattle Times: Home
Hit by Climate Change, Dwindling Antarctic Seal Population Grows More Diverse
Although climate change continues to stir up opportunities and challenges for animals across the world, new research published today in Nature shows the ups and down this change is creating for one species in particular. (Scientif Scientific American
Oso disaster had its roots in earlier landslides
A new geological study concludes that the disastrous March 22 landslide that killed 43 people in the rural Washington state community of Oso involved the "remobilization" of a 2006 landslide on the same hillside. "Perhaps the most ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Digging up trouble: beware the curse of King Tutankhamun
The curse of Tutankhamun first struck in February 1923. The previous November, the intrepid archaeologist Howard Carter and his sponsor Lord Carnarvon discovered the burial chamber of a forgotten boy-king hidden in the Valley of t
Belize safeguards barrier reef with conservation drones (Science Daily)
Seeking to gain a high-tech edge over illegal fishers, the Government of Belize will use "eyes in the sky" to enforce fishing regulations in the biodiverse Glover's Reef Marine Reserve and other reef systems in what is the first u Ocean Today
Tiniest Catch: UA Scientists' Fishing Expedition Reveals Viral Diversity in the Sea
A fishing expedition of microscopic proportions led by University of Arizona ecologists revealed that the lines between virus types in nature are less blurred than previously thought. Using lab-cultured bacteria as "bait," a t
400-Year-Old Crucifix Found by Canadian Student
A tiny crucifix found during the excavation of a 17th century colony on Newfoundland symbolizes early religious freedom in North America. The artifact is clearly a Catholic item, featuring a simple representation of Christ on Discovery News - Top Stories
Oceans play a vital role in moderating climate on Earth-like planets. (Science Daily)
esearchers at the University of East Anglia have made an important step in the race to discover whether other planets could develop and sustain life. New research published today in the journal Astrobiology shows the v Ocean Today
New view of Rainier's volcanic plumbing
By measuring how fast Earth conducts electricity and seismic waves, a University of Utah researcher and colleagues made a detailed picture of Mount Rainier's deep volcanic plumbing and partly molten rock that will erupt again some
Has the expansion of Antarctic sea ice accelerated?
Despite global warming, the fringe of sea ice around Antarctica is expanding slightly, in contrast to the marked decline of sea ice in the Arctic. Scientists have blamed this curious fact on various forces, from shifting winds to ScienceNOW
Jeju Island, Korea is a live volcano
In Jeju, Korea, a place emerging as a world-famous vacation spot with natural tourism resources, a recent study revealed a volcanic eruption occurred on the island as recently as 5,000 years ago. Judging from the findings, Jeju Is ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
UN chief steps up fight against Haiti cholera epidemic
The UN secretary general has flown to Haiti on a "necessary pilgrimage" to support the fight against cholera, a disease that many Haitians blame UN peacekeepers for introducing to the Caribbean country. Ban Ki-moon is seeking
New fossil discovery reveals giant shrimp's tiny brain
It was one of the world's first predators: an ancient beast that patrolled the oceans half a billion years ago in search of prey to grasp with its long, spiny appendages. But as fearsome as the creature was, fresh evidence has
UK's new energy and environment ministers opposed green energy
The new set of Conservative environment and energy ministers announced on Tuesday bring a track record of opposing renewable energy, having fought against wind and solar farms, enthusiastically backed fracking and argued that gree Reuters
Atmospheric scientists take to the skies to study Colorado Front Range ozone pollution
It's July, a hot time in the city of Denver and in urban areas across the United States. Summertime is also ozone time, a period when ozone pollution peaks. As global temperatures rise with climate change, summertime ozone--an
Study maps fracking methane risk to drinking water
A major study into the potential of fracking to contaminate drinking water with methane has been published. The British Geological Survey and the Environment Agency have mapped where key aquifers in England and Wales coincide w
Fossil of 'largest flying bird' identified
The fossilized remains of the largest flying bird ever found have been identified by scientists. This creature would have looked like a seagull on steroids - its wingspan was between 6.1 and 7.4m (20-24ft). The find is publi
Dinosaurs Found in Mass Grave Died of Drought
One body rests on its left side, head and neck pulled back toward the pelvis—a classic death pose. The arms and legs are still in their anatomically correct positions, but closer inspection reveals that bones of the hands and fe
The Next Generation of HIV Prevention
Doctors now consider HIV infection to be a chronic disease rather than a death sentence because of the success of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), which stop the infection's progression to AIDS. With that success in hand, the top prio
Scalloped Hammerheads Become First Shark Species on the U.S. Endangered Species List
Scalloped hammerhead sharks have became the first species of shark to be protected by the U.S. Endangered Species Act, one of the world’s strongest wildlife conservation laws. The final rule to list four of the existing six dist
36-Year-Old NASA Probe's Engines Successfully Fired Up by Private Team
An old NASA spacecraft under the control of a private team fired its thrusters yesterday (July 2) for the first time in a generation. NASA's International Sun-Earth Explorer 3 probe (ISEE-3), which the agency retired in 1997,
Why are we sleeping with our phones
When you woke up this morning, did you reach for your cell phone? Was it right next to the bed? Or under your pillow? Did you use it as an alarm clock? And if you did what was the first thing you did after you disabled the alarm?
Despite decade of protection, resident orcas still in trouble
In the decade since Puget Sound’s southern resident killer whales were protected under the Endangered Species Act, scientists have figured out where they go in winter, learned that they eat mostly chinook and have documented the
Behind the Shot: Tommy Caldwell Climbs Above the Clouds in Switzerland
Climber Tommy Caldwell tells us about this climb, the benefits of thick clouds, his decade-long Yosemite Dawn Wall obsession, and his favorite recovery food. “I think most climbers will drool over this photo,” says top cli
Migrating Monarch Butterflies Use Magnetic Compass to Cut Through Clouds
It turns out they use Earth's magnetic field as a kind of backup navigational system. It's not unusual for animals engaged in long-distance migrations, including sea turtles and birds, to use an internal magnetic compass to get
New archaeology qualification available at Blackburn College
EAST Lancashire students are set to become the future generation of archaeologists. A new A level at Blackburn College will teach students to dig up the secrets of the world’s most significant historical sites. Students
Nepal's Sherpas Drift Away From Mountaineering
Cheddar Sherpa has scaled Mount Everest seven times while guiding Western climbers to the top of the world. He has narrowly escaped three avalanches and seen a dozen of his friends perish on the icy Himalayan slopes. But an av Associated Press
Raw Materials For The Formation Of Titan May Have Been Locked In Ices That Condensed Before Saturn Began Forming
A joint research effort between NASA and the European Space Agency has found proof that nitrogen within the atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan came from conditions very similar to those that formed most of the ancient comets in t
How Do Pollen Particles In The Atmosphere Influence Climate?
Researchers study water cycle and cloud formation and design computer algorithm models to understand impact In the past, many atmospheric scientists believed that pollen particles probably had a negligible effect on climate be
Largest ever private award to UH funds microbial oceanography research
The Simons Foundation has awarded Drs. Edward DeLong and David Karl, both UH Mānoa professors in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), $40 million to lead the Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes an
Coast Guard Makes 2nd Rescue in Ocean Rowing Race
A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter on Sunday plucked from the Pacific Ocean a rower who was participating in a race from California to Hawaii, the second time in a 24-hour period that authorities were called to help during the inaugura
From barrels to biology: Scientists develop cost-competitive bioderived polymers for a post-petroleum future
The advantages of sustainable, biodegradable, carbon-neutral and bioderived renewable polymers – that is, synthetic polymers based on biomolecules produced by living organisms – are reflected in the extent of the research rece
Climbers work to care for the environment
In a recent (June 20) opinion piece, Van Keele accused local climbers of hurting the environment and violating Forest Service regulations. Keele frequently expresses his opinion in the Ravalli Republic on a wide range of subjects.
Insecticides put world food supplies at risk, say scientists
The world’s most widely used insecticides have contaminated the environment across the planet so pervasively that global food production is at risk, according to a comprehensive scientific assessment of the chemicals’ impacts.
Time running out to find artifacts in glacial ice, Swiss say
GENEVA -- Swiss scientists say only decades remain for alpinists and hikers to retrieve items covered for hundreds or even thousands of years by ice which is now melting. With Swiss glaciers expected to melt away within a half Associated Press
Cave Rescue Overcame Underground Waterfalls, High Winds, Vertical Shafts
Two men in yellow helmets peered down into the dark cavern as they slowly winched into view a bearded man strapped onto a stretcher and wrapped in styrofoam and a red sleeping bag to protect him from the freezing temperatures deep
Mock murder scene challenges Ohio State anthropology, forensics students
Several weeks ago, Ohio State anthropologist Adam Kolatorowicz dug some shallow graves and buried four bodies at the university’s Waterman Farm. Granted, they were plastic bodies, but they form part of a four-week forensic a
UH students return from final Schmidt Ocean Institute expedition
University of Hawaiʻi marine science students will return from the last of three student research expeditions aboard Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/V Falkor on Thursday, June 19. The group sailed to Station ALOHA, a long-term
Zero-gravity coffee: Espresso machine headed into space
The espresso machine, designed to create a "perfect espresso in a weightless environment," will be rolled out for the Futura Mission, the second long-term mission of the Italian Space Agency aboard the International Space Station.
First underwater archaeology vessel launched
Konya’s Selçuk University on June 17 launched Turkey’s first underwater archaeology research vessel in Antalya. With teams from Warsaw and Naples, the university will set off in July 1 to discover the underwater archaeologica
Amelia Earhart to fly around the world again
In 1937, Amelia Mary Earhart disappeared over the Pacific Ocean attempting to circumnavigate the globe. Later this month, Amelia Rose Earhart will try to do what her namesake could not. Despite recently discovering she’s
Russia 'secretly working with environmentalists to oppose fracking'
The head of one of the world’s leading groups of democratic nations has accused Russia of undermining projects using hydraulic fracturing technology in Europe. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, secretary-general of the North Atlantic Tr
Rare albino whale 'parades' off Australian coast
In a scene straight out of Moby Dick, a rare white whale is back and putting on a show for his fans off the eastern coast of Australia this week. First spotted on Tuesday, the albino humpback has been nicknamed "Migaloo" by re
Helander, Zimmerman Score Another Impressive First in Alaska
Clint Helander (U.S.) and Graham Zimmerman (U.S./N.Z.) have made the first ascent of the west face of Titanic Peak in Alaska's Revelation Mountains. The circa 9,300-foot peak had only been climbed once before, by Fred Beckey, Dan RSS - Hot Flashes Climbing New
Dutch arrest 44 Greenpeace activists blocking Russian Arctic oil tanker
The very different reactions of European countries to Greenpeace protests was seen on Thursday when 10 Dutch armed anti-terror police boarded the environment group’s flagship outside Rotterdam port and arrested 44 activists tryi
Public to help scientists assess climate role
Spare computer time lent to researchers at Oxford University will allow intensive climate modelling of 2013-14 conditions. Citizen scientists can help to solve a critical question raised by England's wettest winter in at least 250 Environment news, comment and
Vikings at the British Museum: great ship but where's the story?
It cuts through the air like a sword through flesh, relentless. The prow is as sharp as a shark's tooth. A fragile heart of oak survives within the metal skeleton. This ghost ship is solid yet empty, there and not there. Roskil
Antarctic Research Bases Spew Toxic Wastes Into Environment
Antarctica is one of the most pristine environments on Earth, but it's wrestling with a pollution problem. National Geographic News
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