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News Headlines
5 Unsolved Mysteries of King Tut's Tomb
A recent imaging scan hints at hidden chambers that could offer insights into questions surrounding the life and death of the boy pharaoh and his place in Egyptian history Scientific American
Giant Siberian unicorn may have existed at the same time as humans, fossil find hints
Our ancestors could have come face to face with the mammoth-sized rhino in Kazakhstan. All MNN Content
Discovery of Navy Shipwreck Solves 95-Year-Old Mystery
The U.S.S. Conestoga, a Navy tugboat that disappeared in 1921, has been found in shark-infested waters about 30 miles west of San Francisco. NYT > Science
Science shed new light on the life and death of medieval king Erik
The saint's legend speaks of a king who died a dramatic death in battle outside the church in Uppsala, Sweden, where he had just celebrated mass. But what can modern science tell us about his remains? A research project now reveal ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Sacred temple from 16th century that was hidden emerges from lake due to severe drought
The severe lack of rain in recent months has meant that the waters of the Benito Juarez Dam are forty per cent lower than their normal level mirror.co.uk - Home - News
What lies beneath: Britain's eerie secret 'Atlantis towns' hidden from view by icy water
There are long-lost secrets of towns and villages that were literally flooded to make way for reservoirs in the early to mid 20th century mirror.co.uk - Home - News
Why Did Ancient Europeans Disappear 14,500 Years Ago?
Genetic analysis shows some of Europe's earliest inhabitants mysteriously vanished toward the end of the last ice age and were largely replaced by others. Discovery News - Top Stories
'Space Archaeologists' Show Spike in Looting at Egypt's Ancient Sites
Scientists used satellite images to monitor pyramids, tombs and buried cities from 2002 to 2013 Scientific American
Beaten-Up Dinosaur Lived Through Intense Pain
A large, meat-eating dinosaur endured severe pain for months and possibly years after a violent encounter. Discovery News - Top Stories
Mysterious Icon Found at Bethlehem Church
The centuries-old icon, found under layers of plaster, is made of brass, silver, shells and stones. Discovery News - Top Stories
What was Earth's first animal? New study finally offers an answer
The first animal to evolve on Earth was probably a sponge that existed around 640 million years ago. All MNN Content
The ugliest fossil reptiles who roamed China
Long before the dinosaurs, hefty herbivores called pareiasaurs ruled Earth. Now, for the first time, a detailed investigation of all Chinese specimens of these creatures -- often described as the 'ugliest fossil reptiles' -- has b ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Bones found at prison may belong to real-life Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Archaeologists discovery could be remains of Martha Brown, whose public hanging was watched by Thomas Hardy. Archaeologists may have unearthed the remains of a woman whose execution had a lasting impact on the writer Latest news and comment from B
500 million-year-old fossils show how extinct organisms attacked their prey
Most fossils preserve the physical remains of organisms and their structure; however, geologists and paleobiologists recently found fossils that show the behaviors of predators preserved as traces in ancient sediments. Thus, fossi ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Neanderthal-Human Sex Happened Earlier
A Neanderthal woman from Siberia with human DNA may suggest we should no longer consider Neanderthals separate from the human race. Discovery News - Top Stories
Fossils Shed New Light on Human and Gorilla Split
The finding could help resolve a controversy over the continent where the ape and human lineages first evolved, according to researchers Scientific American
Ancient Footprints Discovered in Arizona
The 2,500-year-old footprints of a family strolling through a field are evidence of early agriculture Scientific American
The aftermath of 1492: Study shows how Native American depopulation impacted ecology
Among the Pueblo Indians of northern New Mexico, disease didn't break out until nearly a century after their first contact with Europeans, following the establishment of mission churches in the seventeenth century, a team of resea ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Massive Mississippi Floods May Have Wiped Out Ancient Civilization
Massive floods in the Mississippi River valley may have wiped out an ancient civilization, according to a new study. Cahokia were the largest prehistoric settlement in the Americas north of Mexico until the year 1200 AD, when the
Prehistoric Bone-Devouring Worms Fed on Carcasses of Plesiosaurs
Osedax worms, also known as bone worms, zombie worms, or bone-eating worms, were first discovered on a whale carcass in 2002. There are more than 10 species that can be found in oceans across the globe at depths of up to 4 km.
UCD archaeologists seek to recreate the world of our ancestors
How did our ancestors create the world they lived in? How did they survive without the modern accoutrements that make our lives easy? The question is at the heart of archaeology and forms the basis of a unique project in a quiet c
Archaeologists Unearth Ottoman War Camel in Austria
“The partly excavated skeleton was at first suspected to be a large horse or cattle. But one look at the cervical vertebrae, the lower jaw and the metacarpal bones immediately revealed that this was a camel,” said Dr Galik, wh
Royal Entryway Discovered at Herod’s Palace
A monumental entryway to the Herodian Hilltop Palace at Herodium National Park has been unearthed by a team from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The entryway features a complex system of arches spanning its width on three sepa
7,500-Year-Old Well Excavated at an Underwater Site
A fresh-water well in the submerged Neolithic site of Kfar Samir in Israel is being investigated by a team including Ehud Galili of the Israel Antiquities Authority and the University of Haifa, and Jonathan Benjamin of Flinders Un
Ability to consume alcohol may have shaped primate evolution
Craving a stiff drink after the holiday weekend? Your desire to consume alcohol, as well as your body’s ability to break down the ethanol that makes you tipsy, dates back about 10 million years, researchers have discovered. The
Etchings on a 500,000-year-old shell appear to have been made by human ancestor
In 2007, Stephen Munro got the shock of his life. The archaeology graduate student was studying mollusk shells gathered more than 100 years ago on the Indonesian island of Java, where an early human ancestor, Homo erectus, had roa
Behind Tomb Connected to Alexander the Great, Intrigue Worthy of
Over the past three months, archaeologist Katerina Peristeri and her team have made a series of tantalizing discoveries in the tomb, from columns sculpted masterfully in the shapes of young women to a mosaic floor depicting the ab National Geographic News
Graves of 'vampires' discovered in Poland were cholera victims
When archaeologists discovered graves in Poland where the dead had been buried with sickles across their throats and rocks under their chins, they assumed the unfortunate victims were suspected vampires. But a new study suggests t Latest Science News
Ancient Mythical Carvings Found
cemetery dating back roughly 1,700 years has been discovered along part of the Silk Road, a series of ancient trade routes that once connected China to the Roman Empire. The cemetery was found in the city of Kucha, which is locate
Bronze Bell from Long-Lost Arctic Shipwreck Revealed
Divers recovered a bronze bell from the wreck of the HMS Erebus, a British ship that was missing for nearly 170 years after an ill-fated expedition to the Canadian Arctic. In 1845, British Royal Navy officer and explorer John F
Mysterious 4,000-Year-Old 'CD-ROM' Code Cracked
A fired-clay disk from the Second Millenium B.C. may finally have had some of its markings decoded. The mysterious "Phaistos disk," found in 1908 in a palace called Phaistos on the island of Crete, contains symbols on both sides,
New Generation Takes on Ancient Egypt
Five years ago, if archaeologists digging up pharaonic ruins in Egypt found any human bones, they would usually throw them away. “Most Egyptian archaeological missions looked at human remains as garbage,” said Afaf Wahba, a yo
Marble Door Revealed in Greek Tomb
Archaeologists excavating the large and mysterious mound at the Kasta Hill site at Amphipolis, Greece, have unearthed a broken marble door, Greece’s Culture Ministry announced today. Made from marble brought from the island o
Canoe & Climate Shed Light on Polynesian Sailing Technology
Two new studies published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shed light on how Polynesian seafarers colonized the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Lead author Dilys Amanda Johns of the University of Auckland descr
Return to the Antikythera Shipwreck: Marine Archaeology Goes High-Tech
The yellow, torpedo-shaped vehicles glided through the clear Mediterranean water just 10 feet above the 2,000-year-old shipwreck on the bottom. During the weekend of September 20 the autonomous underwater vehicles made 40 long pas
Islamic State advance halts archaeological research in Iraqi Kurdistan
Advances by Islamic State (IS) forces have threatened one of the last safe regions of Mesopotamia still open to archaeologists by driving up the risks of working in Iraqi Kurdistan, it is feared. This month, a team of Italian arch
More Than 50 'Nazca Lines' Found in Kazakhstan
More than 50 geoglyphs with various shapes and sizes, including a massive swastika, have been discovered across northern Kazakhstan in Central Asia, say archaeologists. Powerful things can often derive from simple principles,
Byzantine-Era Monastery Discovered in Israel
“We believe this is the site of a monastery from the Byzantine period,” said Dr Irene Zilberbod, excavation director of the IAA. “It is true we did not find a church at the site or an inscription or any other unequivocal evi
Gas chambers unearthed at demolished Nazi concentration camp
Archaeologists working at the site of the Nazi concentration camp at Sobibor, in eastern Poland, say they have uncovered previously hidden gas chambers in which an estimated quarter of a million Jews were killed. German forces
DNA Places Third Group in European Descendent Mix
Modern Europeans are descended from three major groups of ancient humans, not two as was previously thought, according to a gene analysis published on Wednesday. Until now, the mainstream theory was that Europeans descended fro
3rd Room of Ancient Greek Tomb Revealed
Archaeologists say they've had a peek inside another room in a monumental ancient tomb in Greek Macedonia that is believed to date back to the era of Alexander the Great. The ongoing excavations at the Kasta Hill burial mound i
Female Greek Guard Statues Fully Revealed
Two female statues partially unearthed in in a Greek tomb on Saturday are full body sculptures crafted with great skill, according to new pictures released by the Greek culture ministry. The female sculptures were found inside a m
‘Ottoman shopping malls’ revealed in Van excavations
Ongoing excavations in the old city of Van have shed light on the lifestyles, social conditions and dietary habits of the city’s inhabitants from the Ottoman era, revealing bazaar structures that resemble modern-day shopping mal
Egyptian heritage group raises concerns over Djoser pyramid restorations
Egypt's oldest pyramid may have been ruined by conservators, a group of heritage campaigners has warned. The step-shaped pyramid of Djoser, a few miles south of the better-known pyramids of Giza, is more than 4,600 years old and i
Armor Made of Bones Found in Bronze Age Grave
Archaeologists in Siberia have unearthed Bronze Age armor crafted from bones in an outfit that George R.R. Martin's epic fantasy character "Rattleshirt" might have worn. Dating to between 3,900 and 3,500 years old, the armor wa
Lost Ship from Ill-Fated Arctic Quest Discovered
In 1845, two doomed British ships set sail for the Canadian Arctic to end a legendary quest for the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. After the expedition became trapped in ice, both vessels and all 129 men on board were los
Stonehenge had huge 'stone religious sibling' just two miles away
Archaeologists have discovered that Stonehenge had a huge stone sibling just two miles to the north-east. Using powerful ground-penetrating radar, which can ‘X-ray’ archaeological sites to a depth of up to four metres, inve
3,000-Year-Old Golden Bowl Hides Grisly Tale
In 1958, archaeologists were digging through the ruins of a burned Iron Age citadel called Hasanlu in northwestern Iran when they pulled a spectacular, albeit crushed, golden bowl from the layers of destruction. The 3,000-year-
Nunavut archaeology team finds Franklin-era ship’s artifact
Government of Nunavut archaeology team claimed the first discovery from this year’s massive search for the remains of the 1845-46 Franklin Expedition to the Northwest Passage. Although the most extensive searches for remains
Tomb Raiders Likely Plundered Ancient Greek Site
Archaeologists on Monday entered the antechamber of Greece’s mystery tomb in Amphipolis — only to find another wall blocking the tomb’s interior as well as worrying evidence of looting in the form of a suspicious opening.
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